EPA Board
Board members
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Ms Catherine Cooper became Presiding Member on 28 June 2018. She brings significant expertise in law and ethics, corporate services, risk management and governance to the Board’s portfolio. In 2000, she established CooperConsult, offering consulting services to a wide range of public and private clientele, primarily in the areas of strategic planning, leadership, governance, risk management and innovation. Ms Cooper has extensive experience in boards and committees. She is currently Deputy Chair, Commissioner, Australian Fisheries Management Authority; Chair, Central Adelaide Waste Management Authority; Deputy Chair, Australian Eggs Limited; and Independent Chair, Energy Consumers Australia Audit Committee. Additionally, Ms Cooper is Director, RACE Energy CRC; Director, Wine Australia; Director, Australian Egg Corporation Limited; Director, Business Events Adelaide and provides executive support to the CRC Care Board – Contamination and Remediation of the Environment, and CRC High Performance Soils. Re-appointment due 1 July 2027. |
Dr Stephen Christley was appointed as Deputy Presiding Member on 28 June 2018. He was formerly the Chief Public Health Officer with SA Health. Since retiring from this position he has worked in a number of short-term roles, including as Interim Commissioner, SA Mental Health Commission and Member, Independent Inquiry Panel for Review of Plastics to Fuel proposal for the ACT Minister for Planning and Environment. Dr Christley’s experience and background in medicine, public health, and business planning has seen him undertake numerous board and executive roles, including President, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association; and member of the National Blood Authority Board, Nature Play SA Board, North Shore Heart Research Board and Central Coast Community Care Association Limited. He is a current board member of Flinders Reproductive Medicine (Flinders Fertility). In addition to his experience in science, public health, and management, Dr Christley holds a number of qualifications including MBBS (Hons), Dip (Obst) and Grad Dip Paeds. He brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge around public health issues relevant to the EPA’s charter. Re-appointment due 1 July 2025. |
EPA Chief Executive Dr Jon Gorvett Appointed on 1 May 2023. The CE is a non-voting member of the Board, by virtue of their appointment by the Premier. They are not a Governor-appointed member of the Board. |
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Mr Mark Withers is currently the CEO of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield. He has tertiary qualifications in management and social science and has spent the last 33 years working in local government. Mr Withers has worked in 9 Adelaide metropolitan councils and held previous CEO positions at both Charles Sturt and Unley councils. He has senior executive experience in the development of environmental sustainability strategies for councils, management experience in overseeing environment protection legislation and oversight of waste services. He is a Board Member of LG Professional SA and is a past National President of LG Professional Australian. Mr Withers also holds a Board position on Green Industries SA. Re-appointment due 8 August 2027. |
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Professor Christine Trenorden is currently a Visiting Professor at UCL Australia, and served as a Judge of the District Court in South Australia and the Environment, Resources and Development Court for 17 years including handling a number of EPA and environment protection cases. She adds further expertise to the Board on issues such as environmental policy, governance and regulatory design and enforcement. Ms Trenorden has been actively involved in environmental and natural resources law over many years and brings with her expertise in planning, environmental and local government law. Her past experience includes chairperson of the Environmental Defenders Office SA, working in international development with International Union for Conservation of Nature in the South Pacific and she represented South Australia and Australia on various national and international bodies, providing technical training to judges and government officers in Fiji, India, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, the Philippines and Vanuatu. Re-appointment due 1 July 2025. |
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Mr Chris Stathy OAM is a highly respected and experienced business leader and company director, with a proven track record in national and global markets across various industry sectors. He is a leading management consultant, and founded Hazelwood Industry Solutions in 2014 to provide results-driven strategy and development services to business. He was former Chief Executive Officer of Fielders Australia Pty Ltd, a South Australian-based company specialising in the manufacture of steel roofing, flooring and associated products. Prior to joining Fielders, Mr Stathy was Managing Director of Philmac Pty Ltd, a leading manufacturer and supplier of polyethylene pipe system fittings and valves to global markets. He has also previously worked in senior management roles in the electronics and automotive industries. Appointed on 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2026. |
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Ms Susan Jeanes is a nationally respected leader with over 20 years’ experience in the renewable energy and sustainability sectors. She is currently Chair of the Heavy Industry Low-emissions Transition Co-operative Research Centre (HILT CRC) and a Director of Jeanes Holland and Associates (JHA). Ms Jeanes has experience working with industry, research organisations and governments to build relationships and foster collaboration on shared goals, and is able to develop pathways for reaching agreed outcomes from differing perspectives. She has previously held the roles of Director of The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), CEO of the Australian Geothermal Energy Association (AGEA) and the Renewable Energy Generators of Australia (REGA). She has been appointed to the Board for 3 years from 1 December 2023 to 30 Nov 2026. |
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Ms Julia Grant has more than 20 years of public sector experience, 15 of those operating at executive level with the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources and the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Julia has a strong record of policy development and project delivery around climate change, water security and sustainable economic development and was instrumental in delivering Australia’s first climate change legislation, as well as the Water Industry Act 2012 which introduced economic regulation of South Australia’s water industry. She spent a year at EY as a Director for Climate Change and Sustainability Services which supported industry with their ESG reporting requirements. More recently Julia has spent the past four years in local government at the City of Onkaparinga, South Australia’s largest council by population. She was responsible for driving Council’s efforts in responding to climate change, as well as facilitating the economic recovery and development of local business in a post-COVID environment. During this time Julia was acting CEO with a budget of $200 million and $3 billion worth of assets. Her role included oversight of the Southern Region Waste Resource Authority (SRWRA) and building relationships with Lonsdale businesses as well as the McLaren Vale wine industry. She has been appointed to the Board from 1 December 2024 to 30 Nov 2027. |