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Have a safe and enjoyable Xmas and New Year
The next edition of Monitor will be published in February after a short break. The EPA Communication and Media Branch wishes our readers a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year and will be back with more interesting news items.
Air Quality Policy community forum
The EPA hosted a series of public consultation forums in regional South Australian towns and in the Adelaide Hills over the past few weeks, to seek community feedback on the draft Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016.
Dust monitoring near Sellicks Beach
The EPA will be monitoring the air quality near the Sellicks Hill Quarry in Adelaide’s southern suburbs over summer when dry conditions could result in higher levels of dust.
International Compliance and Enforcement Conference in Singapore
EPA Chief Executive Tony Circelli, in his role as Chair of the Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators Network (AELERT), recently took part in the Second International Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Conference in Singapore.
Bushfire training
A group of EPA field officers and staff members were recently reminded of the perils of summer with the probability of confronting the threat of bushfires being more likely than most had imagined.
Waste levy waived for Pinery bushfire victims
The State Government is assisting communities affected by the Pinery bushfire by waiving the waste levy at local landfills and offering advice through the EPA on the disposal of waste including animal carcasses.
EPA encouraging borewater testing
The EPA is encouraging property owners of residential groundwater bores to have this source of water tested for contaminants before it is used.
Local government engagement forum
The EPA Board last month held a successful engagement forum with representatives from the Local Government sector, as part of its annual stakeholders and community groups engagement program.
Congratulations Kym
EPA Principal Advisor Planning Policy and Project, Kym Pluck has been was appointed President of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA) South Australian Division.
SA Coastal Conference
The EPA recently took part in the SA Coastal Conference at the Adelaide Sailing Club, where it promoted its achievements in water quality improvements and the successful Catchment to Coast project.
A message from EPA CE Tony Circelli
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our many Monitor readers, among them, stakeholders, licensees, colleagues and members of the community, for their ongoing support and interest in the EPA during 2015.
The coming New Year will bring new challenges with more opportunities and achievements.
In the meantime, I wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday season ahead of a prosperous 2016.
Civil penalties
The EPA recently negotiated two civil penalties totalling more than $20,000 involving companies that breached their licence conditions.
Business and industry statement of agreement
The EPA has ratified a valued partnership between Business SA and the Australian Industry Group, through a Statement of Agreement.
EPA hosts prominent nuclear scientist
The EPA continued its long-standing practice of hosting a representative of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recently, to study Australia’s uranium mining methods and its regulatory process for radiation protection.
Riverland Bizlink
The EPA is continuing to make inroads in provincial communities across South Australia and was recently met with a warm reception in the Riverland when representatives from more than 50 local businesses welcomed Principal Adviser Peter Scott.
EPA ERT visits critical assets sites
Members of the EPA Emergency Response Team (ERT) were recently hosted by SA Water and Allwater on site visits to several of their critical assets, as part of an ongoing collaborative alliance.
Air quality consultation
State Cabinet has approved the release of the draft Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 (Draft Air Quality EPP) for public consultation.
2015 AELERT conference
EPA Team Leader & Emergency Response Team Coordinator (Investigations & Tactical Support) Kevin Rowley, has won an Australasian achievement award after being nominated by his peers.
EPA at AMSA symposium
The Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA) held its 10th Annual Symposium on Wetlands, Estuaries and Coasts in Adelaide last month, where the EPA was well represented with input by four of its marine and water quality scientists.
Broad interest in waste reform
The Waste Reform Discussion Paper released in August has generated widespread interest across the waste and resource recovery sector.
EPA Site Contamination Manager Andrew Pruszinski was named a Fellow of the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), at the Clean Up 2015 conference, in Melbourne recently.
ERT Team Leader takes part in iIIRG conference
EPA Team Leader and Emergency Response Team Coordinator Kevin Rowley, recently attended the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) Conference in Geelong.
EPA hosts Shandong delegation
In early September, the EPA hosted 17 mayors and senior government officials from China’s Shandong Province who were keen to learn about environmental compliance and the management of site contamination.
Beverley tests call for further action
The EPA last month received a preliminary report consolidating the various stages of ongoing work in the Beverley assessment area, to identify the presence of trichloroethene (TCE) on private and commercial properties.
Plastic bags success
The EPA has praised retailers and shoppers for the environmental benefits of their ongoing support of the plastic bags ban, which has been enforced in South Australia since 2009.