Adbri dust update

In May 2024, the EPA received a series of community complaints regarding dust from Adbri’s Birkenhead Cement Plant site. On 17 May, Adbri confirmed that the origin of the dust event was clinker dust that escaped via an open vent in a materials storage shed and mechanical issues with a fan. Adbri has since advised that remedial measures had been implemented, with the fan fixed and containment of the shed being completed.
The EPA is continuing to prioritise its response to the recent emission event. The EPA has investigated the complaints and has undertaken a range of actions, including increased monitoring and collection/testing of environmental dust samples that is helping inform the EPA’s regulatory response.
The EPA will continue to closely monitor Adbri’s compliance with its licence conditions by conducting inspections and assessing measures the company is required to implement to minimise impacts of its cement production operations at Birkenhead. This includes the requirement that Adbri develops a (revised) Environment Improvement Programme (EIP) to the EPA’s satisfaction that clearly focuses on site improvements to reduce overall dust emissions.
Following discussion at the community meeting hosted by Adbri on Monday 3 June, the EPA has confirmed that an SA Health representative will attend the next Adbri community meeting on 22 July.
Reports of dust can be submitted to the EPA at
Further responses to specific questions raised by the community including health concerns (including advice from SA Health) is available Adelaide Brighton Cement (Adbri) Birkenhead | Engage EPA.