Thebarton and Mile End
Groundwater Prohibition Area
The EPA undertook environmental assessment work in Thebarton, where groundwater contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE) was found in the vicinity of a former metal processing site on George Street. This assessment was part of an ongoing ‘orphan site’ program where the original polluter was not able to carry out the work, and the site was prioritised based on the potential for a risk to health.
The groundwater contamination is believed to be associated with past industrial practices that used the chemical trichloroethene (TCE). It was likely to have occurred as a result of historical chemical disposal and handling considered appropriate in the past but no longer acceptable by today’s standards.
The risk of vapour from groundwater entering into residential indoor air has been assessed, with computer modelling, predicting the majority of residential properties in the area to be safe.
Following a 90-day community consultation, a Groundwater Prohibition Area was established for portions of Thebarton and Mile End. Please visit the EPA Engage for further information.
The EPA assessed groundwater and soil vapour in Thebarton for historically used chemicals including trichloroethene (TCE) since May 2017.
It has long been understood that volatile chemicals can be transported in groundwater. More recently it has been discovered that they can also be found in the air spaces between soil particles as vapour.
The EPA conducted indoor air sampling in a number of properties within the Thebarton assessment area to identify whether TCE vapours from the contaminated groundwater had entered their homes.
Nine of these properties measured no TCE in indoor air and were considered safe. Six of the properties measured within the 'Intervention' category of the indoor air level response range, and the EPA and Renewal SA consulted with these residents to design solutions that will reduce the TCE vapour to safe levels.
Mitigation systems have successfully been installed in homes in Thebarton as well as other Adelaide suburbs whereTCE vapour was identified.
Please visit EPA Engage for the latest information.
Community updates
Please visit EPA Engage for the latest information.
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Further information
Please visit EPA Engage for further information the Groundwater Prohibition Area.
For further information on health-related queries, please contact SA Health on (08) 8226 7100 or email.
For site contamination related enquiries, please contact the EPA on (08) 8429 7554 or email.