Audit system
The EPA accredits specialist professionals as site contamination auditors. It is a very stringent process to gain accreditation. The auditor’s role is to review the work of a site contamination consultant and provide a site contamination audit report describing the outcome of this review. Both auditor and audit report are bound by legislation to ensure high quality and reliable outcomes.
The assessment of site contamination may identify the need for remediation and/or for an audit. The extent and duration of the processes required will vary depending on the nature of potentially contaminating activities and the complexity of the site, the relevant trigger for investigation and identified level of risk.
The audit system and the accreditation and use of auditors are important tools in the management of site contamination in South Australia. The audit system is a critical link between the site contamination status of land, the suitability of land for its current or proposed use, and planning and development processes.
The EPA is responsible for the administration of the audit system, the accreditation of site contamination auditors and ensuring that site contamination audits are carried out according to the legislation and relevant guidelines.
Once an auditor is satisfied that all the necessary assessment and remediation has been completed in accordance with the legislation and relevant EPA guidelines, the auditor will be in a position to prepare the site contamination audit report and statement. An audit report may include audit conditions which are require to be implemented and additional recommendations.
When assessments trigger an audit
An audit may be required at a site for various reasons, including as part of a statutory requirement or associated with planning and/or land development. In relation to a proposed sensitive use site, the EPA expects that an audit of a site will be undertaken where site contamination exists or is suspected.
An example of where site contamination is suspected to exist is where a potentially contaminating activity has taken place at the site. Where the current land use is sensitive, and no potentially contaminating activity or known site contamination issues have been identified, an audit will generally not be required in relation to a change of land use.
In relation to a non-sensitive use or proposed non-sensitive use site, an audit will generally not be necessary unless required by the EPA in accordance with the Site Contamination Regulatory Framework.
However, an audit may be required for such matters based on the complexity of the site, the nature and extent of the site contamination, and long-term management of any site contamination that remains post-remediation.
Engagement with the EPA is likely to be necessary prior to completion of final reports so as to identify appropriate risk-based decision making. The assessment, remediation and auditing of any site where site contamination extending offsite poses a risk to a sensitive receptor necessitates discussion with the EPA prior to completion of final reports.
Other related key issues should be discussed with the EPA including project assessment and remediation milestones/timeframes, remediation objectives/goals/endpoints, vulnerable populations, and community and stakeholder engagement. Where an audit is necessary, the EPA recommends that the engagement of an auditor be undertaken as early as possible.
Table 6 from the Guidelines for the assessment and remediation of site contamination summarises the circumstances where the EPA considers it likely that an audit will be required based on the land use at the site subject to investigations (see below). The table assumes that site contamination exists or is suspected.
Auditors are expert individuals who are accredited by the EPA and are subject to specific legislative obligations and guideline requirements. They are recognised in the field of site contamination as senior and highly knowledgeable and experienced site contamination professionals.
Auditors independently review the assessment and remediation carried out by site contamination consultants and provide their written opinions and determinations in the form of site contamination audit reports (audit reports).
Auditor accreditation is granted to a person by the EPA under Part 10A of Division 4 of the Environment Protection Act 1993.
The eligibility criteria and the application requirements for a person seeking auditor accreditation are prescribed in the Environment Protection Regulations 2009 (EP Regulations).
The application and accreditation processes are described in detail in the Guidelines for the site contamination audit system. Additional information will be made available when the EPA calls for applications for accreditation.
The names and contact details of auditors currently accredited by the EPA can be found in the auditor register.
Auditor register
Auditors listed are accredited by the EPA to carry out audits in South Australia, regardless of where they are based.
Name | Accreditation | Company | Contact details |
Adrian Hall |
Accreditation no: 2009007 Expiry date: 01/07/2028 |
Adrian Hall & Associates |
0457 516 329 |
Adrian Webber |
Accreditation no: 2009001 Expiry date: 01/07/2027 |
Mud Environmental Pty Ltd |
0439 725 754 |
Darryl Strudwick |
Accreditation no: 2009017 Expiry date: 01/07/2026 |
AECOM Australia Pty Ltd |
03 9653 1234 |
David Lam |
Accreditation no: 2009016 Expiry date: 01/07/2025 |
Tetra Tech Coffey | 03 9290 7104 |
Fouad Abo |
Accreditation no: 2009018 Expiry date: 01/07/2025 |
GHD Pty Ltd |
03 8687 8191 |
Graeme Miller |
Accreditation no: 2011031 Expiry date: 18/10/2026 |
Senversa Pty Ltd | 08 8212 0070 |
Ivan Kwan |
Accreditation no: 2014036 Expiry date: 17/04/2026 |
CDM Smith |
0416 114 164 |
James Fox |
Accreditation no: 2015039 Expiry date: 16/10/2027 |
Land & Water Consulting |
08 8271 5255 |
Jean-Paul Pearce |
Accreditation no: 2012033 Expiry date: 28/09/2026 |
Australian Environmental Auditors Pty Lt | 08 8223 3488 |
Joe Duran |
Accreditation no: 2013034 Expiry date: 11/10/2026 |
WSP Australia Pty Ltd |
03 8862 3500 |
Larissa Willoughby |
Accreditation no: 2015040 Expiry date: 16/10/2025 |
Australian Environmental Auditors |
08 8223 3488 |
Louise Cartwright |
Accreditation No: 2024044 Expiry Date: 04/09/2026 |
Epic Environmental Pty Ltd | 1800 779 396 |
Michael Seignior |
Accreditation no: 2009028 Expiry date: 29/10/2028 |
Blue Sphere Environmental Pty Ltd |
0417 289 589 |
Paul Fridell |
Accreditation no: 2010030 Expiry date: 16/11/2028 |
Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd (ERM) |
03 9696 8011 |
Paul Steinwede |
Accreditation no: 2009003 Expiry date: 01/07/2027 |
AECOM Australia Pty Ltd
0419 232 476 |
Peter Beck |
Accreditation no: 2014038 Expiry date: 28/08/2027 |
GHD Pty Ltd |
03 8687 8643 |
Peter Mirkov |
Accreditation no: 2019043 Expiry date: 15/5/2025 |
Peraco Pty Ltd |
03 9882 9752 |
Philip Mulvey |
Accreditation no: 2009013 Expiry date: 01/07/2026 |
Environmental & Earth Sciences International |
02 9922 1777 |
Phillip Hitchcock |
Accreditation no: 2009014 Expiry date: 01/07/2025 |
Australian Environmental Auditors Pty Ltd |
08 8223 3488 |
Ron D’Ercole |
Accreditation no: 2019042 Expiry date: 11/02/2027 |
JBS&G Australia Pty Ltd |
08 9380 3100 |
Ruth Keogh |
Accreditation no: 2009002 Expiry date: 01/07/2028 |
Land and Water Consulting |
08 8271 5255 |
Steve Kirsanovs |
Accreditation no: 2009020 Expiry date: 01/07/2025 |
Kirsa Environmental Pty Ltd |
08 8271 9025 |
Auditor accreditation FAQs
When can I apply?
The EPA calls for applications from individuals who are interested in being accredited as site contamination auditors under Division 4 of Part 10A of the EP Act at least every 2 years.
Applicants must apply for accreditation during an open application period by completing and submitting the accreditation application form and application payment form which are available from the auditor forms.
*****There is currently no open auditor accreditation period.*****
How do I apply?
Applications for accreditation must be:
- made to the EPA
- signed by the applicant and completed in accordance with the instructions contained in the form
- accompanied by the prescribed fee.
Applicants should refer to the most recent version of Guidelines for the site contamination audit system for an understanding of the accreditation process and the eligibility criteria for auditor accreditation.
Where can I obtain the application form?
Application forms will be made available during an open accreditation period.
What is the application fee?
The application fee is prescribed in Schedule 2 of the EP Regulations.
How are applications assessed?
Written applications are checked by the Site Contamination Branch and provided to the Site Contamination Auditor Accreditation Committee for review.
Applicants who appear to meet the eligibility criteria will be invited to sit for an open-book written examination and may then be invited to attend an interview with the accreditation committee.
Applicants will need to advise whether they have any medical or other needs to assist the EPA in making any necessary arrangements during the assessment stage. Where possible and practicable to do, the EPA will seek to accommodate the applicant’s needs.
The selected applicants will be provided with a written overview of the examination and interview process, and informed of the accreditation committee membership prior to the examination and interview taking place.
A case study is used as the basis for the interview. Applicants selected for interview will be provided with the case study and a series of questions prior to commencement of the interview.
During the interview, the accreditation committee will test the applicant’s knowledge, understanding and ability to deal with issues associated with site contamination assessment, remediation and auditing.
Interviews typically last 1.5–2 hours (including pre-interview case study reading time).
Applicants will be assessed by the accreditation committee on their ability to:
- demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and ability described in their written application and written exam
- competently and objectively review data relating to the assessment
- correctly identify the key risks posed to the environment and human health
- communicate their knowledge and understanding effectively whilst demonstrating the logical basis of the decision-making processes used
- carry out the role and responsibilities of an auditor.
During the interview, the accreditation committee will test the applicant’s knowledge, understanding and ability to deal with issues associated with site contamination assessment, remediation, management and auditing. This process is intended to assess the applicant against the eligibility criteria prescribed in the EP Regulations. It is also intended to assess the applicant’s knowledge and understanding described in their written application.
What is the site contamination auditor accreditation committee?
The Site Contamination Accreditation Committee is a sub-committee of the EPA Board.
The accreditation committee comprises 5 members:
- Chair of the Committee (EPA Director)
- an expert in human toxicology from SA Health
- a person experienced in auditor accreditation from another jurisdiction of Australia
- up to 2 non-regulatory experts in the field of site contamination.
The purpose of the accreditation committee is to assess applications from persons seeking auditor accreditation and to provide advice to the EPA about granting accreditation to a person and the reasons if accreditation should not be granted.
Applicants selected for interview will be advised of the committee membership prior to interviews to allow for any potential conflicts of interest to be identified.
Who decides if I am successful or unsuccessful?
The final determination on granting accreditation is made by the EPA Chief Executive.
Decisions relating to the grant of accreditation are made taking into account a range of information including:
- the recommendations of the accreditation committee
- relevant information where provided by other jurisdictions
- the nature of the declarations made by an applicant in their written application
- results of discussions with referees
- results of a national police check.
How long will the application and accreditation process take?
It generally takes 6–8 months to complete the assessment of applicants and decide on granting of accreditation for an accreditation period. Applicants will receive notifications throughout this period.
If I am successful in being accredited, when will my accreditation commence?
If successful, the commencement of accreditation will be on the date the EPA Chief Executive approves accreditation.
How long will I be accredited for?
Accreditation terms are determined on an individual basis by the EPA, taking into account the individual’s qualifications and experience, and recommendations from the accreditation committee. An accreditation term cannot exceed 5 years as prescribed by the EP Regulations (regulation 59).
Are there penalties for providing false information in applications?
The legislation provides for significant penalties for offences and breaches of specific requirements of the audit provisions including expiations, fines and/or imprisonment.
Can I appeal any decisions?
Persons subject to decisions by the EPA in relation to accreditation are encouraged to contact the Manager, Site Contamination Branch to discuss any issues or concerns in the first instance. If matters remain unresolved, it may be raised with the EPA Chief Executive.
Review rights are also provided for by the EP Regulations (regulation 63).
Can I get a refund if I am not successful?
Application fees for accreditation are non-refundable.
Can I re-apply if I am not successful?
Applicants who are not successful will be given feedback from the EPA regarding their application.
Applicants are encouraged to review and consider this feedback if re-applying in future application programs.
Applicants are also encouraged to contact the Manager, Site Contamination to discuss any aspects of the feedback provided.
Will the EPA be holding an information session for prospective applicants?
The EPA holds information sessions during the application stage of each open accreditation period. Register your details with the EPA if you are interested in attending one of the information sessions.
I’m already an auditor in another state. How do I apply to be a site contamination auditor in South Australia?
Auditors accredited or appointed in an equivalent occupation in another State or Territory can apply for mutual recognition in South Australia.
Applications for mutual recognition can occur at any time using the mutual recognition form.
There is no application fee for mutual recognition applications.
Please contact the EPA if you require clarification as to whether your accreditation/appointment in another jurisdiction is recognised as an equivalent occupation in South Australia.
Audit system forms
- Notification by auditor after commencement of audit
- Notification by auditor after termination (before completion) of audit
- Site contamination audit statement
- *NEW* Interim audit advice
- *NEW* Auditor GPA checklist
- Auditor annual return
- Application for accreditation as a site contamination auditor*
- Fee for accreditation as a site contamination auditor*
- Application for mutual recognition as a site contamination auditor in South Australia
- Auditor accreditation proof of identity
- Application for renewal of accreditation as a site contamination auditor
- Details of specialist team members
* Forms only for use during an open accreditation period.
Further information
Prior to the completion of an audit, an auditor may be able to provide interim audit advice. Auditors are required to provide each audit report and a related audit statement to the person who commissioned the audit, the local council and any other prescribed body, and the EPA. Completed audit reports in South Australia can be found on the Site contamination index.
Other useful guidance documents:
- Guidelines for the site contamination audit system
- *NEW* Interim audit system guidance: GPA
- Guidelines for the assessment and remediation of site contamination
- Regulatory and orphan site management framework
- Overview of the site contamination system
- Site contamination auditors
- Site contamination audit reports and audit statements
- Application of a restricted scope in a site contamination audit
- Auditor register
If you have any questions please contact the Site Contamination Branch on (08) 8204 9934.