Payment & forms
Environment Licensing Forms (ELF)
You can apply, renew or pay for an EPA authorisation or licence online.
ELF is your single access point for all EPA licences, exemptions and authorisations, and allows you to pay an invoice online with a credit card.
Online waste tracking (WasteTracker)
The EPA licence fee system is based on 'user pays' and 'polluter pays' principles. In this system, licence fees reflect the EPA's regulatory effort as well as the amount and type of pollutants discharged to the environment.
Apply online
If the activity is to take place at a premises, a development approval must already have been granted. This is administered by local government and the Development Assessment Commission. >> More
Waste transporter businesses must use these forms:
Exemption forms
Works approval
- Surrender of environmental authorisation
- Transfer of environmental authorisation
- Change to process emissions or waste
- Alterations to plant and equipment
- Changes to vehicle details: Application for approval
- Resource recovery facility approval
Limited purposes determination
The EPA may, having regard to prescribed factors, determine a licence is not justified for the following activities:
- 3(1) waste recovery facility
- 3(2) waste reprocessing facility
- 3(3) waste disposal facility
- 3(5) activities involving listed waste
- 3(6) waste transport or
- 7(2) railway systems.
Note: the Environment Protection Act 1993 refers to authorisation not justified which includes works approval and exemptions. The term 'licence not justified' has been used as licences will make up of the bulk of requests and is the common term used by licensees.
Prescribed factors, as listed in the Schedule 1A1(3)(b) are:
- the nature and purpose of the activity
- the location of the activity
- the scale and duration of the activity
- the nature and amount of any waste or pollution produced by the activity
- the manner of conduct of the activity, and
- any other factors considered relevant by the Authority.
The EPA assesses the application, where an applicant proposes a licence may not be justified, on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to request the EPA to consider if a licence is not justified, you need to provide sufficient information for us to make this assessment.
To apply:
- Contact the relevant planning authority (Dept for Infrastructure & Transport or your local council) to discuss whether you need planning or building approvals. Please be aware that any determination by the EPA does not exempt your application from development or planning requirements.
- Submit an application for a licence to the EPA and include the relevant 'licence not justified determination' form:
To discuss a potential application, contact the EPA on 8204 2058 or email.
Apply online
Please also refer to Radiation licensing on how to apply. You can contact the Radiation Protection Branch on tel: (08) 8463 7826 or email for further information.
- Radiation management licence – test for developmental purposes (Form 18)
- Radiation management licence – mining or mineral processing ( Form 19)
- Radiation management licence – radiation facility (Form 20)
- Radiation management licence – transport of radioactive material (Form 21)
- Radiation management licence – possess a radiation source (Form 22)
- Licence to use or handle radioactive material (Form 23)
- Vary a condition of licence to use or handle radioactive material (Form 23B)
- Licence to operate radiation apparatus (Form 24)
- Vary a condition of licence to operate radiation apparatus 24B
- Registration of premises in which unsealed radioactive materials are handled or kept (Form 25)
- Registration of sealed radioactive source (Form 26)
- Registration of radiation apparatus (Form 27)
- Vary condition of accreditation or authorisation (Form 36)
- Surrender of authorisation (Form 41)
- Emergency authorisation (Form 48)
- Exemption (Form 76)
Third party certification of radiation apparatus
Anyone selling or installing a registered device, registered sealed radioactive source or sealed radioactive substances must notify the branch in writing within 7 days of the sale/install.
Anyone selling, replacing or disposing of x-ray apparatus or major components must notify the branch in writing within 7 days of the sale/install.
A business that sells, maintains or installs ionising radiation apparatus must give the purchaser of an ionising radiation apparatus the following notice.
Anyone disposing of sealed radioactive source must apply to the branch for approval of the disposal.
Anyone disposing of an x-ray apparatus must notify the branch in writing within 14 days of the disposal.