Sources & references
Australia State of the Environment Report 2016
Australia State of the Environment Report 2016: Executive summary
Australian Academy of Science: Australia 2050 – Conversations about our future – Australia in 2055
Australian National University: Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia
Bureau of Statistics: Environmental views and behaviour 2011–12 – Environmental issues
Bureau of Statistics: Migration Australia 2014–15 – Regional internal migration
Bureau of Statistics: Population clock
Climate Council: New report reveals that Australia is among the worst emitters in the world
Cocks KD: People policy – Australia's population choices
Cosmos: The big five mass extinctions
Department for Energy and Mining: Mineral commodities
Department for Energy and Mining: Resource production statistics
Department for Environment and Water: Carbon Neutral Adelaide – Action Plan 2016–2021
Department for Environment and Water: Climate action (timeline)
Department for Environment and Water: Climate change
Department for Environment and Water: Grazing livestock – A sustainable and productive approach
Department for Environment and Water: No Species Loss Nature Conservation Strategy
Department for Environment and Water: South Australia's Climate Change Strategy 2015–50
Department for Environment and Water: South Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions
Department for Environment and Water: Stormwater Strategy – The future of stormwater management
Department for Environment and Water: Water for Good Plan
Department for Environment and Water: Water sensitive urban design (WSUD)
Department for Environment and Water: Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) policy
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources: Agricultural commodities
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources: National Food Plan White Paper
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: South Australia
Department of the Environment and Energy: National System of Protected Areas (CAPAD 2016)
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Biogeochemical cycle
Environment Protection Authority: Adelaide Coastal Water Quality Improvement Plan
Environment Protection Authority: Water quality programs – Catchment to Coast
Environment Protection Authority: Our Work
Environment Protection Authority: Rain Garden 500
Environment Protection Authority: Transforming waste management
European Environment Agency: Environmental changes and human development
Government of South Australia: 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide
Government of South Australia: Development applications and how they are assessed
Government of South Australia: Trend and Condition Report Cards 2018
Macquarie University: Exploring the gap between consumers’ green rhetoric and purchasing behaviour
Natural Resources: Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges – Our region’s plan
Natural Resources: SA Arid Lands – Pest plants and animals
Nature: Has the Earth’s sixth mass extinction already arrived?
OECD: Environmental indicators – Development, measurement and use
OECD: Environmental outlook to 2050 – The consequences of inaction – key facts and figures
OECD: Measuring well-being and progress – Well-being research
Productivity Commission – Migrant intake into Australia
South Australia State of the Environment Report 2013 – Summary
South Australian Legislation: Natural Resources Management Act 2004
South Australian Legislation: Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016
The Australian Geographic – Bad news for Australian mammal extinction
The Conversation: In the absence of national leadership, cities are driving climate policy
The Conversation: Why a population of, say, 15 million makes sense for Australia
The Garnaut Climate Change Review: Australia’s emissions in a global context
The South Australia Centre for Economic Studies: Production and Trade