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Further opportunities

There are additional opportunities through which we can improve the management of SA’s water resources.

We should:

  • finalise an integrated urban water management plan for Greater Adelaide in partnership with the private sector and the community
  • undertake a targeted review of the Water for Good Plan to ensure long-term planning adequately considers future water needs and sustainable supplies, including during periods of extended drought
  • further strengthen SA’s access to a fair share of River Murray water for environmental flows
  • better engage with communities by providing readily accessible, comprehensive and understandable information, and by providing opportunities for contribution of information by communities, including through citizen science
  • integrate water management considerations early in planning and design
  • take advantage of opportunities to take part in national collaborative projects and programs to improve knowledge of our water resources and related threats and opportunities
  • improve integration of monitoring and reporting across governments and improve its use to inform decision making
  • expand our suite of monitoring, modelling and remote sensing tools to underpin regulatory actions to protect our water resources
  • improve rapid and flexible responses to emergency incidents
  • effective response to community concerns
  • better understanding of effects of climate change on water
  • implement the recommendations of the Productivity Commission following its review of the National Water Reform, which includes that water planning include climate change to ensure the balance between environmental and consumptive use of water is suited to a drier climate.